My approach to the attainment and maintenance of being healthy, lean and strong are three fold:
1. Appropriate movement
2. Appropriate nutrition
3. Appropriate restoration
Under the banner of appropriate movement comes ‘resistance training’.
Here is a brief explanation.
Resistance training:
This is NOT the result of resistance training but a bodybuilding lifestyle.
I purposefully chose “resistance training” as opposed to “weight training” as ‘resistance’ is the fundamental element, and “weight training” for some people brings up images of steroid using bodybuilders doing bicep curls or “meat-heads” swinging weights around and screaming, of which has nothing to do with what I’m proposing.
All resistance applies, of which includes, tires, sand bags, dumbbells, barbells, club bells, sledge hammers and body weight.
Resistance training is great for fat loss, strength, muscle preservation, muscle building, injury prevention, mobility, improved anabolic hormonal profile and increased insulin sensitivity.

Eugene Sandow, the Grandfather of resistance training as a way of life – resistance train, eat well, relax and have fun – it worked in the 1900’s and still works now.

Male gymnasts have fantastic upper body development, strength and flexibility with out doing bicep curls or using the pec deck machine
– Resistance/complexity
You must have good technique and be reasonably safe first before you think of doing anything else.
Gym Fails Compilation 2010/2011
1. Increased metabolic rate
Increased muscle and exercise elevates speed at which you burn calories
Resistance training improves bone density
Energy is more likely to be stored as glucose than fat4. Increased energy
Improved efficiency of energy use and expenditure
5. Increased strength
Increased muscle and neural efficiency
Improves telomere degradation, muscle preservation along with hormone profile.
Increased endorphins, testosterone, dopamine accompanied with a sense of achievement.
What i really would like you to take away from this is 1. numerous benefits can be achieved through resistance training 2. technique and safety are the first considerations followed by tempo/speed and then increasing weight or complexity and 3. resistance training comes in many formats from yoga to Olympic lifting.
If you have any questions or would like me to expand on a particular benefit, simply leave a comment.
For information on Personal Training, Massage, Biosignature, Osteopathy and A.R.T (active release techniques) visit DUO’s website ( or call 0207 352 5399 to book an appointment.
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