Turning the impossible into the possible begins in your head!

Simple words and phrases have the power to interrupt negativity and invite change into your life.

Write a letter to your future self and date it one year from now, try to think big but realistic so you can structure actions to turn your dreams into goals.

Goal Setting & Mindset can affect your well-being and make your dreams become reality.

Whether you have small dreams or lofty expectations, goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about your ideal future, and for motivating yourself to turn your vision of this future into reality.

Getting started can seem daunting, but follow my example to show you how to build up to even the loftiest of dreams. Write a mantra for yourself and the year ahead…..

Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

“As I think with a more conscious mind. My future goals and visions continue to get bigger, brighter and more vivid each week. As I move towards my goals and they become a reality, I get a funny feeling inside when I realise how great life is and its going to be so much more!”

“As I walk around the gym with a smile on my face, not because I’m cocky or arrogant but because I’m genuinely happy and inspired by the energy every ones giving off – working hard, pushing their body to its limits – it drives me to give it my all. I have plenty of free time through out the day as I’m financially free, working structured hours so I can make sure there is time each day to give my body the time it deserves and get to the gym. I exercise at least …4 week…….(hours a day/week) with …2 …. (some) days being a more intensive weight session and ……2 ..days kickboxing (others) active recovery sessions.”

“Another reason for the smile on my face is the increased confidence with how I have sculpted my body. The pride I carry after transforming it from ……… (%19) bodyfat to …….(12%) bodyfat keeps me high on life. Yes I’m vain and look in the mirror at every opportunity and take my shirt off any time the sun creeps out. But its well earned. Im proud of who I have become and and what I’m doing to inspire others to change too. I often look down at the contours of my body and remember how I used to be. I reflect on the journey and I take stock of my achievements.”

“I have become a nutrition expert, eliminating irritating foods by eating clean with the occasional treat, but I do not intentionally poison or sabotage my body. I take time each week to read more articles and watch lectures as I continue to educate myself on the arguments both for and against most topics around nutrition. I feel fresh when I fuel my body’s baseline and I have endless energy throughout the day.”

“With the freedom to plan my time out I ensure I get at least 6-8 hours sleep each night. I meditate before I go to bed and attract positive thoughts into my dreams. When I wake up I make the time to take a gratitude walk/run. I walk either with or without audio and list the things I am grateful for that day, the day before, that week, that month and in my life.”

“Time spent with my loved ones is stress free and I influence them in a positive way each day. This continues to reinforce my life choices of being an absolute bundle-of-energy health-nut. The energy I have throughout the day ensures I’m always on top of my game for when I see my baby and future wife, I relish my time with our daughter Willow, putting her to bed almost every night. I’m proud to support my future wife Jodie so she can study and continue to better herself.”

In a nut shell, excellence does not require perfection, so start now and become absolutely invincible.


The four B’s to get your life on track and your body back… Brain, Body, Balance and Business!

Brain, Body, Balance and Business are the four pillars you should be thinking of when bettering yourself so if your struggling to build balance or body then you can book in for a Bio Signature session to find out your current body status and create a balanced plan of action that will get you heading in the right direction so your future self can thank you!



1. Fix in your mind the exact life goal that you want to achieve in 2016. For example, it’s not good enough saying “I want to lose weight” or “I’d like to earn more money”. Be definite in the amount. Write out a clear and concise statement using quantifiable figures eg. the amount of fat you want lose / muscle you want to gain.



2. Determine and state exactly what you intend to give in return for your definite goal. There is no such thing as something for nothing. Describe the plan through which you intend to accumulate it (seek help).




3. Name the time limit date. Work backwards with that end in mind. Set yourself 3 or 4 checkpoints throughout the year to make sure you are heading in the right direction of achieving your ultimate goals.




4. Begin at once! Not Monday! Never wait until the perfect time it will never come. “Objects at rest tend to stay at rest, objects in motion tend to stay in motion” (Newton)




5. Read your written statement aloud, twice daily, once before bed and once when you wake. See and feel yourself already possessing the Brain, Body, Business and Balance you want in your life.