I’ve talked extensively about the numerous benefits of coffee here, here, here and here. In this article I want to discuss a particular brew that I make as a pick me up during the day.
What you’ll need:
– 3 green tea bags
– raw ginger
– 1 lemon
– 500ml of hot water
– cassia/ceylon cinnamon sticks
– a kettle
– a cup
– a 500 ml beaker
1. fill kettle
2. flip switch on kettle (der!)
3. cut up a small amount of ginger
4. cut a lemon in half and squeese juice in to a glass. Remove the pips.
5. add 3 green tea bags, ginger and lemon juice to a 500ml beaker
6. add water
7. add cassia/ceylon stick and stir
Green Tea:
What it is. Green tea is made from the leaves from Camellia sinensis. Due to differing processes you are left with either white, green or black tea. Green tea originated in China, but it has become a widespread mainstay through many cultures in Asia. Green tea has recently become relatively well known in the West for it’s ever compelling health benefits
Energy and health benefits:
Green tea may:
– decrease DNA damage
– improve blood sugar control
– improve immune system function
– improve nutrient partitioning – glucose goes to muscle cells vs. going to fat cells
– improve energy expenditure throughout the day via increased unscheduled instinctual movement
– aid fat loss
– help maintain fat loss
– decrease symptoms of depression
– improve focus, alertness and creativity
What it is. Ginger is a spice from the root of theZingiber officinale plant. Turmeric and cardamom also come from this plant
Energy and health benefits:
Ginger may:
– lower inflammation
– decrease pain
– aid digestion, especially for protein
– alleviate gas and feelings of bloatededness
– aid detoxification
– aid stomach ulcers
– aid bacterial infections
– increase satiety and decrease sugar cravings
– improve sexual desire
– improve energy levels
Energy and health benefits:
Lemon may:
– lower inflammation
– aid digestion
– promote calmness
– alleviate gas and feelings of bloatededness
– aid detoxification
– increase satiety and decrease sugar cravings
– improves the potency of health benefits from green tea
– keeps breath fresh
– fights bacterial infections
– improve sexual desire
– improve energy levels
Cassia/Ceylon Bark
What it is. Cinnamon bark is the bark from the small evergreen tree native to Asia and is used as a spice referred to as “chinese cinammon”, “cassia cinnamon” or “true cinnamon”.
Energy and health benefits:
Cassia Bark may:
– lower inflammation
– improve blood sugar control
– improve immune system function
– improve nutrient partitioning – glucose goes to muscle cells vs. going to fat cells
– improve energy expenditure throughout the day via increased unscheduled instinctual movement
– aid fat loss
– increase satiety and decrease sugar cravings
– promotes alertness
– fights bacterial infections
– improve energy levels
Summary: This ‘magic brew’ literally takes a few minutes to make, tastes great and you will feel the positive effects of energy and vitality within minutes. Also is fantastic when on a low carb diet for keeping sugar cravings at bay.
Bonus: Add honey for taste, limes for variety and ‘pop’ 1-2g of L-Tyrosine to have a possibly stronger effect on energy and alertness.
If you have any questions or would like me to expand on a particular benefit, simply leave a comment.
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We appreciate any feedback you have for us.
Michael Hannon, 2014 Information in this article is strictly for educational purposes and is simply the opinion of the writer at the time of writing. In no way is the information to treat, diagnose, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease. Before starting any diet, exercise regime or nutritional supplement program always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified, licensed healthcare professional.
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