

Rest periods are an integral and important influence on a training programs stimulus, yet is rarely considered.

When training for fat loss, a key targeted outcome is exercise induced growth hormone response.

A simple tip to increasing GH is to lower rest periods between sets of exercise to 10-45sec. The purpose of this is increased acidity. Lactate plus hydrogen ions equals that burning you get in your muscles and increased acidity.

With this increase in acidity comes GH.

You need for exercise induced growth hormone response:
1. resistance training. Traditional aerobic work does not cut it.
2. low rest periods 10-45sec
3. multiple sets
4. dense training (density = volume / time) in others words, do a lot in a small amount of time
5.  2hrs (preferably more) before training have a low fat, low carbohydrate, medium protein based meal.
6.  get the burn!

Sample session 1: Localised Muscular Endutance
A1. Bulgarian split squat 6 reps with a tempo of 3 down, hold for 1 and up fast 
rest 30sec


A2. Standard split squat 12 reps with a tempo of 1 down and up fast 
rest 30sec 



A3. Elevated front foot split squats 24 reps with a smooth rhythm



Rest 30-45sec and repeat on the next leg and that will be 1 round. Rest 45-60sec between rounds. Complete 4-6 rounds for lactic acid. If you are an endurance athlete complete 6-8 sets and replace ‘elevated front foot split squats’ with walking lunges.

Depending on strength and experience i recommend using 20-60% of body weight and when the weight becomes too heavy simply put down/rack and complete the set number of reps no matter what. 

Great for lower body endurance athletes, fat loss and getting your burn on.
Sample session 2: Full Body Meltdown
A1. Back squat 8-10 reps with a tempo of 4sec down and up fast
30sec rest  


A2. Wide neutral chin up/lat pull down 8-10 reps with a tempo of 4sec down and up fast
30sec rest  


A3. Seated 80* dumbbell shoulder press 8-10 reps with a tempo of 4sec down and up fast
30sec rest  



A4. Deadlift 8-10 reps with a tempo of 4sec down and up fast
30sec rest 


x 4-6 rounds 

Great for GPP (general physical preparedness), fat loss and of course getting your burn on. 


Stop fannying around – lower the rest periods to lower your waist and feel the burn to increase your GH.

Work on your summer body NOW! 




Br J Sports Med. 2009 Jul;43(7):521-5. doi: 10.1136/bjsm.2007.041970. Epub 2008 Jan 9. The role of lactate in the exercise-induced human growth hormone response: evidence from McArdle disease. Godfrey RJ1, Whyte GP, Buckley J, Quinlivan R.

J Sci Med Sport. 2009 Jan;12(1):73-8. Epub 2008 Feb 21.Effects of rest duration between sets of resistance training on acute hormonal responses in trained women. Bottaro M, Martins B, Gentil P, Wagner D.


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We appreciate any feedback you have for us.

© Michael Hannon, 2014 Information in this article is strictly for educational purposes and is simply the opinion of the writer at the time of writing. In no way is the information to treat, diagnose, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease. Before starting any diet, exercise regime or nutritional supplement program always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified, licensed healthcare professional.


For information on Personal Training, Massage, Biosignature, Osteopathy and A.R.T (active release techniques) visit DUO’s website (duochelsea.loc) or call 0207 352 5399 to book an appointment.

DUO at 2a Gunter Grove, Chelsea


