So last week on holiday, this just happened ….
Now Jodies not one for surprises, but I have to say this time she was impressed.
I’ve totally out done myself this time with surprise after surprise and then a seamless proposal of incredible planning proportions.
There was a vintage Alexander McQueen dress and new shoes, a proposal in a Christmas decoration delivered by Roman soldiers outside an ancient palace, a captive audience, a shocked Jodie and a very cool calm nev, a beautiful ring and a big fat YES !!!! Oh and a photographer strategically placed to capture it all. EPIC is an understatement! What a man, what a proposal and what a great start to our holiday in Croatia.
Now none of this would have been possible if I didn’t Remember the 6 P’s.
Prior Proper Planning Prevents Poor Performance
Have you Ever wondered what it _really_ takes to accomplish something big?
There’s a lot of emphasis on goal setting these days.
We’re taught to think about what we want to accomplish: Our goal. Then we’re supposed to make it specific, measurable, attainable, blah, blah, blah.
But what happens once we’ve done all that? When we’ve set the ultimate goal?
For most people, not much.
The truth is this way of thinking is redundant.
Getting results is a two-step process.
* First, you break down the thing you want to do (your goal) into specific aptitudes (skills).
* Second, you build those aptitudes (skills) through strategic daily actions (practices).
The formula pretty much looks like this:
Practice daily to build skills.
Build skills to achieve goals.
Here’s an examples of how we do it.
Let’s say it’s your goal to lose weight. You know that to lose weight you’ll need to eat cleaner foods consistently. So that’s your real goal: EAT CLEANER CONSISTENTLY. But you don’t have all the skills to do it just yet. So you have to break it down into…
Which skills are required to eat cleaner foods consistently? At Duo, we’ve identified BALANCING BLOOD SUGAR LEVELS as the most important _initial_ skill for making progress. But that’s not totally actionable. So you have to break it down into…
At Duo we use A PROTEIN GOAL (practice #1) and INSURE YOU REACH YOUR GOAL EVERY DAY (practice #2) to build on the PROTEIN GOAL skill. Clients eat the correct amount of protein to achieve their goal for two weeks.
Then they practice eating until satisfied for two weeks.
Therefore, over the course of a month, the daily practices of EATING YOUR PROTEIN GOAL and EATING UNTIL SATISFIED, NOT STUFFED will build the skill of BALANCING YOU BLOOD SUGAR LEVEL AND APPETITE AWARENESS.
I would have never been able to achieve such a spectacular proposal, without remembering and putting the 6 P’s into practice. These amazing, remarkable and life changing moments don’t just happen, as with anything worth having they require the right mind set and preparation.
I hope this advice helps you on your journey to achieving your life goals as much as it helped me achieve mine!