Here are 2 simple tips:
1. Ingest 600mg of Alpha GlyceroPhosphoCholine before a training session
In a pilot study using a randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover design, 7 experienced men with at least 2 years of weight lifting experience consumed a single 600mg dose of AGPC or a placebo 90min prior to testing.
The results were:
Peak bench press force was 14% greater for the AGPC group vs. placebo group
GH levels peaked 44 fold from base vs. 2.6 for placebo group
If you are able to increase the speed/acceleration by which you move a barbell, dumbbell or your own body the potential for force creation is improved. This leads to the possibility of lifting more weight, performing more reps and reaching new heights-literally-in vertical jumping and other power based movements.
Growth hormone has had a tonne of press due to its suspected ant-aging capabilities. GH has been associated with preserving muscle, healing tissue, strengthening the immune system, aiding hypothyroidism, increasing the elasticity of skin, aiding fat loss, elevating mood and boosting energy levels.
2. Add olive oil to your meals
Your physical strength comes from your muscles and the nervous system that runs it.
The nervous system comprises the central nervous system, consisting of the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system, consisting of the cranial, spinal, and peripheral nerves.
The nerves that innervate muscles have a insulating layer called myelin. Myelin improves speed of conduction whilst conserving energy resulting in a more efficient system. In fact, if the spinal cord was to run at equivalent conduction velocities WITH OUT myelination it would likely be the size of a tree trunk.
Myelin is 70-85% lipid, commonly consisting of the fatty acid oleic acid. Monosaturated oleic acid is the main component of olive oil as well as the oils from almonds, pecans, macadamias, peanuts, and avocados.
Two very simple tips that could help anyone from martial artists to the average gym-goer improve performance.
Of course, for some of us being faster would equal time travel 🙂