
Coffee has become a modern mainstay of the industrialised nations. In fact, the top 5 countries with the highest consumption of coffee per capita are European, with Finland being the highest at 12kg per capita.

For North Americans coffee is the main source of antioxidants!

What used to be a beverage reserved in the West for the social and intellectual elite is now the preferred beverage of choice for an eclectic mix of the population.


The total integration of coffee into our daily routine has lead to two camps divided by the pros and cons of coffee consumption. One camp believes coffee to be a dangerous substance and one that should be avoided at all costs, whilst the other camp believes a good cup of coffee to be a pleasurable and health giving substance.
If you’re like me and love coffee then these posts will give you even more reason to love it, ammunition against the naysayer’s and aid you in becoming more informed about a beverage you may drink daily.

Let us now delve in and see what we find on coffee and Fat Loss

Studies have found coffee to increase metabolic rate (rate at which you burn calories at rest), fatty acid release, energy expenditure during activity, thermogenesis (body heat), fatty acid oxidation (burning fat) and weight maintenance after a low calorie diet.

These are all important contributions to a leaner you.


Caffeine stimulates the adrenals to release catecholamines (Dopamine, Epinephrine, Norepinephrine). Catecholamines induce lipolysis (breakdown of stored fat) through the stimulation of Cyclic Amp (Cyclic adenosine monophosphate). Cyclic AMP is the signal for the breakdown of stored glucose and fats to be used by the body. Coffee contains methylxanthines which prevents the breakdown of Cyclic AMP (Cyclic adenosine monophosphate) thusly improving the likelihood for lipolysis to occur and to continue.


There it is, coffee essentially revs you up for fat loss. Part 2 coming soon

Michael Hannon, DUO trainer
