BODY MAPPING – How to Build an Unstoppable body

Oct 14, 2018

This resource is designed for those unfamiliar with Body Mapping (Formally know as Bio-Signature) — and for those salty Body Mapping veterans that want a refresher course on the foundational principles of Training & Nutrition.

Body Mapping

It’s also a road map of sorts.
 You see — all Clients and Athletes are at various levels of STUCK. There’s just so much to learn.

From beginner to seasoned pro — we are all looking to get better at what we do — always looking for an edge. It’s our defining characteristic.
This document is here to help you master this Training & Nutrition stuff.

The Food Stages System

It’s the same system all our trainers use themselves as well as their clients. It’s the same system WBFF Pro Wole uses to dominate on stage at the Worlds in Vegas. It’s the base line on how Dominic Gates, Pro Iron Man preps for his races (3.86 km swim, a 180.25 km bicycle ride and a marathon 42.2 km run, raced in that order and without a break).
This system works for regular clients and athlete level conditioning. It works for any age group and whether you usually exercise in group classes, private training or on your own.

This system works because it uses science and exploits each and every aspect of the irrefutable law of fitness.
There are four main ways we produce progress:

  • Balanced Diet – help the client establish good eating habits
  • Get Specific – specific recommendations about quantities (calorie intake) and macronutrient ratios
  • Advanced Strategies – follow an eating system that dictates what you eat at particular times.
  • Personal Testing – We’ll interpret the results that the client gets from our testing partner (Marek Doyle) and help apply the findings.

We call this Body Mapping.
Read this page carefully. Read it multiple times and commit it to memory.
This is the stuff they don’t teach in school.
Food Stages System

Download from Dropbox here


Decode the Food Maze

The following outlines of the Body Mapping system are below.
Print this PDF version and tack it to the wall next to your workstation. If you plan to execute this plan, you’ll need to reference it often. Download from Dropbox here.

Decode The Food Maze

When you’re learning new tactics like Drop sets, Super sets, Heavy light method, 6/12/25, Wave loading, you’ll need to constantly remind yourself of the Food Maze process so the training matches the nutrition. Otherwise, you’re wasting time and money.

This is a warning: There is little benefit in applying training only, for example, it’s true everyone needs a certain amount of calories to survive and thrive. What you are not told is when you consistently consume under that minimum, your metabolism will down regu-late and you’ll crash into starvation survival mode. There is enormous benefit in combining training and nutrition and applying these training strategies through the Body Mapping process will ensure results.

Here is the Nutrition in a Nutshell document that sets you up for the Body Mapping system…

Nutrition in Nutshell

You can also download it here.

Keep focused – we’re about to reveal the exact process we use to transform bodies…

Let’s begin with this…

The client needs to determine are they ready to make a change

The Personal Training business is pretty simple.
 We get paid to move people from a “Before” state to a desired “After” state.
In the “Before” state the client is discontent in some way. They might be in pain, bored, frightened or unhappy for any number of other reasons.
This is a helpful list that all new clients should undertake:

  • Determine the Goal (Nutrition in a Nutshell doc)
  • Client comprehensive Assessment
  • Choose a Training Source (Book a Free Trial)
  • Body Mapping
  • Monitor Progress
  • Download the Duo Chelsea booking app to start training
  • Bring a friend to keep motivated
  • Reassess your Goal

Body Mapping


Life is better. They are free of pain, or unafraid of what previously plagued them.”

The client hasn’t come here to buy products or services…

They want to buy outcomes. They want to buy access to the “After” state.
A great system that will genuinely move a client to a desired “After” state…

… and a great system simply articulates the move from the “Before” state to the desired “After” state.

Product Market Fit

Most exercise routines that fail, particularly at the start or when entering a new program, do so because either…

  • They fail to offer a desired “After” state (The offer is no good)
  • They fail to articulate the movement from “Before” to “After” (the system is no good)

Needless to say — getting clear on the desired outcome your offer delivers is fundamental to the success of your own exercise routine.
Here’s how to get that clarity…

Step 1 – What is the clients body type?


Somatotyping isn’t an exact science, but it does give us a good starting point as to how to deal with a client. What we will find is that people wont just be an endomorph for example, but they could be a mixture of an endomorph and an ectomorph.
At the start of a new eating plan for someone who is used to eating a poor diet, the main thing is that we get them healthy, choosing the right foods and changing their way of thinking about food and how they eat. Protein intake should be set at a minimum of 1.5g per kilo of bodyweight, raising to as much as 3g per kilo of bodyweight. With each client we need to establish their protein intake first and then we can build the other macros around this number.

It’s easier to understand when you know the body type.
Endomorphs and mesomorphs will generally have an intake of around 35% protein and ectomorphs slightly lower at about 30% of total calories.

What we also need to look at is how the individual feels on a certain protein level, we can then adjust as necessary.
Here is a really helpful the document about Body Type that sets you up for the Body Mapping system…
Download from Dropbox here


Step 2 – What does ‘AFTER’ look like?

“As I think with a more conscious mind. My future goals and visions continue to get bigger, brighter and more vivid each week. As I move towards my goals and they become a reality, I get a funny feeling inside when I realise how great life is and its going to be so much more!”

“As I walk around the gym with a smile on my face, not because I’m cocky or arrogant but because I’m genuinely happy and inspired by the energy every ones giving off – working hard, pushing their body to its limits – it drives me to give it my all. I have plenty of free time throughout the day as I’m financially free, working structured hours so I can make sure there is time each day to give my body the time it deserves and get to the gym. I exercise at least 4 week (hours a day/week) with 2 (some) days being a more intensive weight session and 2 days kickboxing (others) active recovery sessions.”

“Another reason for the smile on my face is the increased confidence with how I have sculpted my body. The pride I carry after transforming it from 19% body fat to 12% body fat keeps me high on life. Yes I’m vain and look in the mirror at every opportunity and take my shirt off any time the sun creeps out. But it’s well earned. I’m proud of who I have become and what I’m doing to inspire others to change too. I often look down at the contours of my body and remember how I used to be. I reflect on the journey and I take stock of my achievements.”

“I have become a nutrition expert, eliminating irritating foods by eating clean with the occasional treat, but I do not intentionally poison or sabotage my body. I take time each week to read more articles and watch lectures as I continue to educate myself on the arguments both for and against most topics around nutrition. I feel fresh when I fuel my body’s baseline and I have endless energy throughout the day.”

“With the freedom to plan my time out I ensure I get at least 6-8 hours sleep each night. I meditate before I go to bed and attract positive thoughts into my dreams. When I wake up I make the time to take a gratitude walk/run. I walk either with or without audio and list the things I am grateful for that day, the day before, that week, that month and in my life.”
“Time spent with my loved ones is stress free and I influence them in a positive way each day. This continues to reinforce my life choices of being an absolute bundle-of- energy health-nut. The energy I have throughout the day ensures I’m always on top of my game for when I see my baby and future wife, I relish my time with our daughter Willow, putting her to bed almost every night. I’m proud to support my future wife Jodie so she can study and continue to better herself.”

In a nut shell, excellence does not require perfection, so start now and become absolutely invincible.

Step 3 – The 3 Questions to ask before Body Mapping

Before you create a Body Map — go through this exercise. Ask these 3 questions…

Know the challenge.
1.What are their goals and how have they been trying to achieve them?

Discover their baseline.
2.How often and how much healthy food should they be consuming to achieve those goals?

Log your progress.
3.How are you/they going to track their journey towards their personal success?


For questions and queries please get in contact and our team will get straight back to you!


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London, Greater London
SW10 0UJ
United Kingdom

Opening Times

Monday to Friday: 6am-9pm
Saturday & Sunday: 8am to 4pm