This post was inspired from my day-to-day observations of people becoming less aware of others, spending far too much time starring at their phones and seemingly lacking in energy and focus.

Fatigue and ADHD like behavior is on the rise in children and adults. The human body is not suddenly malfunctioning but is responding to our lifestyles and diet. Below are some pragmatic, effective and easily introduced tips to help with concentration and energy levels.

Link to part 1: 4 Tips for energy and focus Part 1

Link to part 3: : 4 Tips for energy and focus part 3

1. Breathe Properly
Most people over use their neck muscles during breathing, this can lead to shallow breathing, neck tension, poor digestion and elimination, headaches and anxiety.

It is hard to be energetic, focused and think clearly when having a headache, feeling anxious, bloated and suffering neck pain!

Practice deep diaphragmatic breathing 5-20min a day until it becomes your modus operandi for breathing and even then it is still a good daily practice.


Useful Links: Breathing and meditation

2. Pop some L-Tyrosine. L-tyrosine is a precursor to the Adrenal and Thyroid hormones as well as the neurotransmitter Dopamine. These are all related to focus, energy, “get up and go”, and zest for life.


Useful links: Impervious to Stress: Modern Day Invincibility

3. Have purpose
Have something you are focused on improving. It can be anything. It could even be any one of the tips in this post series.

People that have a goal they are actively pursuing -no matter how small or trivial – even if it’s not related to the task they are presently doing generally have more focus and attention at what ever they do. Those with a feeling of purpose and accomplishment tend to live longer, are happier, suffer less with dementia in older age and the famous humanist Carl Rogers suggested that psychological issues may stem from the lack improving in anything.


Useful Links: Develop an Ikigai

4. Have a cold shower
Cold showers wake you up, stimulate blood flow, increase Dopamine, collagen production and invigorate the soul baby!


Stand under the cold shower and after a few minutes you should become calm, focused and accepting.

Useful links: Cold for a leaner, healthier more fertile you

These 4 tips are easy to implement and could make a positive difference to your energy levels, concentration and mood. All you have to do is practice deep breathing, have a cold shower, pop some L-Tyrosine and a pursue a goal.

I suggest picking 1-2 of the tips and practice for 1-2 weeks before bringing the other tips in to play.

If you have any questions or would like me to expand on a particular benefit or technique, simply leave a comment.

For information on Personal Training, Massage, Biosignature, Osteopathy and A.R.T (active release techniques) visit DUO’s website (duochelsea.loc) or call 0207 352 5399 to book an appointment.



If you like the article and know people that could benefit from the information then please share with friends on social media.

We appreciate any feedback you have for us.

You might also be interested in:

1.  Impervious to Stress: Modern Day Invincibility

2. Fat Files: Anti-aging

3. Taking the fight to dementia, Alzheimer’s and age related mental decline part1

4. Less is more: Endurance Training

5. Q&A: Coffee

6. 3 Tips to an ass that won’t quit

7. Faster and Younger: 2 Tips

8. Triad of being lean, strong and healthy part1

9. Customise your coffee for improved energy, cognition and health

10. Rest periods for rapid fat loss

11. 8 tips you need to be doing for your health and why

© Michael Hannon, 2014 Information in this article is strictly for educational purposes and is simply the opinion of the writer at the time of writing. In no way is the information to treat, diagnose, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease. Before starting any diet, exercise regime or nutritional supplement program always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified, licensed healthcare professional.



Michael has 10 years personal training experience and is recognised by colleagues for his knowledge and professionalism; this is demonstrated by having been hired by several personal trainers himself.
Whether your goals are better movement, improved posture, sports conditioning, increased strength or fat loss, Michael has the tools and expertise to coach you to the achievement of them.